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Discussion panel: Why the world should love Troma, despite fear of it?

Troma became famous due to the production and distribution of remarkably cheap and poorly made B Class movies. However, under this layer of homemade fake blood and not so much authentic guts, hides a massive amount of merits, implemented to the film industry by this studio. Troma needs to be loved and this discussion panel will bring your attention to it.


KUBA KOISZ – studied stuff, possibly Polish Studies and Cultural Studies. Publisher for Film.org.pl, Magazyn Filmowy and NaEkranie. Collaborates with Radio Czwórka. Novel author. Fan of comics. He values in Troma that it…exist because it might not. When he is not interlacing good cinema with C grade crap with his friends at cinema, he lifts weights just as The Toxic Avenger. Gentle giant. In love with kefir from Kransnystaw. One of the heroes from this year Splat!FilmFest teaser.


RADOSŁAW PISULA – bamboozled into pop-culture, an outlaw, being hunted became the hunter. Dedicated his studies to examine John’s Woo and John’s Carpenter cinema, presently puts together something about Walter Hill. Devours everything written on celluloid tapes and digital medias – especially all kind of horrors, high octane action flicks or classical American cinema with gun powder in the forefront. Interpreter, editor, author for: „Nowa Fantastyka”, artPAPIER and Film.org.pl and the founder of the Full Frontal Pisula fan-page and co-host of two podcasts – Comics Weekly and Nienazwany Podcast Filmowy. Adores Grace Kelly, Nikola Tesla and Godzilla – ideally if they appear in the same movie. Loves his girlfriend. Knows a man that became one with the absolute. He was his mentor.


ŁUKASZ STELMACH – author of the best YouTube channel on the internet, where for quite some time he ponders about what is worst in pop-culture: from B grade horror movies to mainstream superhero movies. Still a million short on his bank account. Pop-culture commentator, co-author of NPF and Comics Weekly podcasts. Enthusiast of the brewed beer, fan of slashers and American comics.

Discussion panel only in Polish.