
WTF is the most peculiar, absurd, bizarre, and crazy section of the festival. After these films, nothing will ever be the same.

  • #POLISH PREMIERE | horribly funny | Troma | John Waters | LGBTQ+ | Tromaville | Lloyd Kaufman | Heidi Moore | drag | Dolly Deadly | bloody comedy | black humour | musical | obscene | vulgar | indecent | bold | gros sex aggeration | politically incorrect | bad...
  • #POLISH PREMIERE | horribly funny | true story | smoke signals | mockumentary | native americans | America | USA | comedy | indie movies | light minded | wasted talent | broken dreams | film industry | filmset | disaster | sweat and tears | cringe | wtf HEY,...
  • #POLISH PREMIERE | WTF | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers | Avengers | Quentin Dupieux | comedy | anthology | murderous tortoise | smoking | burnout | workaholism | nicotine powers | superheroes day off | campfire stories | smooth-talking rat | drooling | mutant tortoise | annihilation of mankind |...