Found Footage 3D
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Found Footage 3D

horror / the US / 2016 / 108 min./

Friday (16.09), 21:45 /

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The first 3D film in the history of horror films.

A group of filmmakers film the first 3D found footage film ever (the film is presented as if it were an amateur, shaky camera work). The action of the movie takes place in a haunted remote cabin. The team try to reasonably justify their idea of making this kind of film using 3D technology, this just causes more and more tension and conflict between the team members. In the meantime, the cameraman prepares a ‘behind-the-scenes’ documentary which itself has a chance to become a found footage 3D film.

‘Found Footage 3D’ is the debut feature film of director Steven DeGennaro. One of the producers, Kim Henkel, is the co-author of the scenario for ‘The Texas Chainsaw massacre’ from 1974. The film had its premiere at the Bruce Campbell’s Horror Film Festival.

Directed by: Steven DeGennaro
Written by: Steven DeGennaro
Cinematography: Drew Daniels
Edited by: Pete Barnstrom
Starring: Carter Roy, Alena von Stroheim, Chris O’Brien, Tom Saporito
Producer: Steven DeGennaro, Charles Mulford, Kim Henkel
Production company: FF3D Country
language: English
Subtitles: Polish